In His Love,
The Hunter Family
These are the not so eloquent notions in this noodle of mine as I continue to grow in God's grace. Like my nickname, may I be found flexible with a little "tooth."
Posted by Niki at 12:35 PM 0 comments
I'm not sure what I was watching earlier this week, but on came Dory singing one of my favorite songs, although it seems to have become quite a theme in my life right now. It's funny how often I find myself singing like Dory, convincing myself to trust God and just keep swimming. While I'm glad we are not facing any health crises of our own, I've had too many friends go through big things lately to know this, it still is not easy to face these stones that have been set in our path. Just Keep Swimming!
Thanks for all the prayers for my shoulder. It WAS a bit better, but then I took a big spill in my garage this afternoon. I was in a hurry and didn’t see the bag of toys destined for the Goodwill in front of me and I tripped over it, catching myself on a bike and bouncing off the van to the ground. So, now it’s not just the shoulder, but the hip, the head, the wrist, the knee, and the ankle, as well as some other scrapes and bruises! Just Keep Swimming!
But that is not the beginning. This happened on top of an otherwise already bad day. That’s the true prayer request. Delicately put, we are engaging in a battle with our mortgage company, AGAIN, and were informed today to hire an attorney. This is a long story that goes back many years, but because our loan was bought during the midst of the previous court proceedings it seems we are in the midst of the same familiar battle that cost us so much before, and I don’t mean just financially. It’s a scary place to be in, but we are trusting God that the truth will be revealed and we will be able to rectify this. It’s just a difficult process and it means a lot of long hours for me pulling records, making copies, writing letters, and if need be, filing court motions. Hmm, and I’m not even a paralegal! Just Keep Swimming!
So, on top of the many “bad news” phone calls today and a lack of sleep from DH's snoring, again, and trying to manically take care of my laundry while listening to DH on the phone (to be ready with paperwork as needed), and teaching M her math lesson, I accidentally threw the vinyl liner for M’s mattress in the dryer with her sheets and turned it on high. Just Keep Swimming!
Basically, I melted it completely inside my dryer. So much so, that when I remembered it and asked Sam to grab it out quickly, she couldn’t find it! It had shrank and adhered itself to the back wall of the dryer. So, I ruined the dryer. Just Keep Swimming!
I tried scraping as much off as I could, but there are still a lot of streaks of vinyl adhered to the wall that don’t want to budge. I thought maybe I could throw an old towel or sheet in and set it on high again and see if it will stick to it instead of the wall, but I’m afraid it will start a fire. And after all that my sister's family has gone through after the fire in her garage, that is a very real concern to me right now. Any other suggestions? Just Keep Swimming!
Oh, and the refrigerator door, that’s been dying a slow and painful death for over a year has finally died. And the replacement part costs almost as much as a cheap new fridge! Just Keep Swimming!
OK, now time for the silver linings (Thanks Sally for being an example to us all):
Posted by Niki at 3:14 PM 1 comments
I am so blessed to have truly amazing Christian women in my life. Sometimes I sit back in awe at who they are in Christ and His beauty within them. After just returning home from the memorial service of one of such women (the mother of yet another beautiful woman in Christ) I was sent this poem and want to post it here to share how great and good God is.
Eddie Carswell & Babbie Mason
All things work for our good,
Though sometimes we can’t see how they could.
Struggles that break our hearts in two –
Sometimes blind us to the truth.
Our Father know what’s best for us;
His ways are not our own.
So when your pathway grows dim,
And you just can’t see Him,
Remember, He’s still on the throne.
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
When you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand,
Trust His heart.
He sees the master plan.
He holds the future in His hands.
So don’t live as those who have no hope;
All our hope is found in Him.
We walk in present knowledge,
But He sees the first and the last.
And like a tapestry,
He’s weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him.
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
When you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand,
Trust His heart.
He alone is faithful and true.
He alone knows what is best for you.
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
When you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand,
Trust His heart.
Posted by Niki at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Ok, there's just no other way to put it. I miss EVERYONE.
I miss my family who seem so far away, epecially as one brother travels to attend a PGA school in Florida and as my sister's beautiful family has to rebuild their lives after a devastating garage fire this past Saturday in which they lost many possessions and a precious pet. Now they must figure out what to do as the smoke damage is detrimental to my sweet nephew's very sensitive preemie lungs (he was just diagnosed with asthma and the spices from cooking are enough to throw him into a breathing fit-can you image what smoke would do?).
Growing up, I never thought I'd be so far away from the people I love, ever, especially my parents. I miss being able to hang out with them, play games, visit, celebrate birthdays and holidays, and depend on them in a pinch-you know, like when you have to rush a child to the ER and your DH is working nights or when you haven't had a night away with your DH in over 4 years! I fully realize I have my dear precious kiddos and my sweet husband with me every day and they mean so much to me, but my parents, my siblings, and all my extended family with whom I grew up are so far away from me and the knowledge that some of them have even turned their backs on my family makes the pain even greater.
Yes, my in-laws, are not too far away, although they do live across the valley from us. Yet somehow, it's still far enough that we barely manage to see each other but two to three times a year. I don't know my nieces and nephews. How does that happen? I miss them, too.
And then there are my friends. I am terribly missing my friend Heather who is physically so far away and seems a world away right now. The year before she left we were always running in opposite directions and I regret not having forced myself to grab a cup of coffee with her more often. I am also missing all the friends that I used to get to see on somewhat of a regular basis due to Bible Study, church, homeschool support groups, and such. And I miss getting to participate, on any regular basis, in the many beautiful conversations between like-minded christian moms on an email loop. Our lives have been so busy-OK my life since my DH works 14-15 hours a day 4 days a week and then is completely wiped out the rest of the time. I'm so worn out trying to keep up with my daily life that I just want to scream, "STOP!" But I'm not sure why there seems to be such a distance from so many at once. It's as though they've all disappeared. And the few times I actually get to see them, I'm missing them so much that I pull pack for fear of overwhelming them with, well, me-the emotionally charged and never able to disguise my true feelings and can talk your ear off for hours since I'm so deprived of genuine adult conversation at his point with anyone but my husband, me (Thanks for listening, Sally)!
Yes, I admit it, it's my fault that I haven't been the one to call, email, write or purposely make the time to get together with a friend, but I honestly thought that someone might miss me enough to call me, write me. I'm still here. I haven't disappeared. I still love you. Thank you to the one who has called me though. You mean the world to me right now and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. And coming out to see my son's game so that we could get a chance to talk, that's HUGE in my book!
So, what do I do now? I cling to my Jesus, as always. He is my best friend. He is my savior. He is my life. I trust Him that He has me exactly where I am to be. I do see a sifting in my life right now-a change in priorities and functionality directed by God. He is showing me things in such a new light and I praise Him for it-even when it brings pain. And while right now that pain is in the distance between me and so many that I love, it is nevertheless good. For I must draw my strength and my comfort from Him and trust Him as He leads me on this path. But I still miss you!
Posted by Niki at 7:56 PM 3 comments
The placement
Getting Started
In Black
Full Color
This is an original design by my sweet husband. I've always wanted him to draw a piece for me. To incorporate it with my favorite Bible verse meant so much. Notice the scripture in the middle of the cross, Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths." Thank you, sweetie, I will treasure this forever!
I went with a couple of girlfriends from my Bible Study group in March of 2006 to have this done. It was so much fun having these Christian women in a tattoo shop getting inked. There's a lot of symbolism in this piece, a lot more than my first one, which I got back in college. Notice the 3 points below the cross for The Trinity. The outer points are also a J and a C for Jesus Christ. The heart is for God's love which is the foundation for the cross and His giving His life for us to give His life to us to live His life through us. The vines on either side of the cross are a reminder that He is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:5).
Posted by Niki at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Posted by Niki at 8:48 PM 0 comments
You Are A Vanilla Ice Cream Girl |
![]() |
Posted by Niki at 5:04 PM 3 comments
I am so overjoyed to announce that after much anticipation, my nephew has formally been weaned off of all oxygen, daytime and nightime! In addition, he weighs in at over 8 pounds. I'm so proud of you, mijo, and your mama and daddy too for all their hard work and great care. And I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the kisses and cuddles from Nina Niki while she's been visiting you, but a Nina can dream, can't she?
Posted by Niki at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Oh, I wish I were a Union Pacific Choo Choo,
That is what I'd really like to be...
For if I were a Union Pacific Choo Choo,
Everyone would fall in love with me!
Posted by Niki at 1:47 PM 1 comments
Posted by Niki at 1:07 PM 0 comments
We are so proud of you!
This year our oldest DD put her drama to good use and auditioned for a part in a local youth theatre's production of Annie, Jr. It's a shortened version of the original Broadway hit. She had to sing, deliver a monolgue and ran lines later at her call-back. She succeeding in securing a spot as Mrs. Pugh, a servant of Daddy Warbucks, as well as being one of the chorus members in "NYC."
She worked hard and we spent many days and nights in the car traveling to and from rehearsals for two months. I spent a number of hours sewing the servants' costumes as well. It was a busy Spring for us on top of DS's first year of Little League and our vow renewal/vacation plans. But we made it through and her performance was brilliant, despite battling Strep Throat!
Looking forward to many more performances, sweetie!
Posted by Niki at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Our youngest daughter graduated from Kindergarten on May 24, 2007. I'm so happy that we made it through the year together. I enjoyed working on a weekly basis with her class and will miss all of the boys and girls there. They all have a special place in my heart. Thanks to everyone who helped us make it through this year and especially to her teacher, Mrs. Marini. We love you guys!
Posted by Niki at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: graduation, kindergarten
I am so blessed to have so many friends in my life who spur one another on to love and good deeds. My friend Laurel sent this timely little piece to me yesterday and I asked her permission to share it here:
Hi Friends,
God wove some interesting Scripture together for me today. I thought I'd share... I praise God that His word is timeless. The same verses are just as applicable to me today as they were x number of years ago. His Word seems new every day... The beauty of what God showed me today is that it isn't specific to any one situation. It covers a whole lot of "shtuff".
I Thess. 5:23-24 says, "May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who called you is faithful, and He will do it." Observation: it struck me for the first time the progression of "parts" in that verse. It starts with the spirit--the part of us that has the capability of knowing God and having relationship with him. Without this, we are just bones, flesh, and parts. Then it moves on to soul--the seat of the emotions and personality. Then body--the physical part of our beings. Isn't it interesting that it starts with the core, our spirits, and works its way out? I know him and am sanctified in my very inner part first, and then my personality and emotions will follow and then my physical body.
So how does that work? How does one overcome difficult situations and circumstances (thereby showing proof of the sanctification of the parts)? Eph. 1:19-20 says, "I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms." Just before that, Paul calls that power our "inheritance". We automatically "get" that when we belong to Christ. God pointed out to me that we get it, but we don't always use it. His power can be alive in us. What is it that you struggle with? I know what I'm struggling with. I had my whole list of excuses for it too. Does God understand our weaknesses? Sure. But, sometimes we use our weaknesses as an excuse to keep us in a place that is not overly affective in the Kingdom. If God wants to sanctify my whole spirit, soul, and body, then I want to love him with my whole spirit, soul, and body. That means getting rid of some of the junk that would keep me from being able to do that. I've tried to get rid of the junk on my own. It doesn't work. My power is NOTHING. His power is EVERYTHING. His power is what raised Christ from the dead! Could there be a more HOPELESS situation???
II Cor. 10:4 says, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have diving power to demolish strongholds." Something struck me. It's not that I haven't wanted to battle the strongholds. I've just been using the wrong weapons. The world offers many of them. But none of them compare to our spiritual weapons. THOSE weapons have the POWER to DEMOLISH strongholds!! What do I mean? Here would be a "for instance". Let's say that my stronghold is my overeating. (I'm really reaching here... Wait, no I'm not!) =) I can determine in my heart to battle that. I can be all ready to "start Monday" with my new plan. I've got the best diet available; I've got my exercise regiment all mapped out; I've got my veggies and fruit all ready to consume at a moment's notice. Those will work OK. For awhile. But then comes the "I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired." So then what? Have I demolished any strongholds? No, I've simply given my colon something to think about. But, if I were to pick up the spiritual weapons like prayer, perseverance, sanctification, etc., THEN I've got some serious armor.
Don't think prayer works very well? Have you "tried" it and found it to fail? Or, have you, like me, hidden behind the excuses and allowed God's power to go unused? Gear up, dear Warriors! Tap into the real power. It's there no matter the situation, no matter the stronghold.
Love you,
Posted by Niki at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: God, guest blogger, prayer
It's busy times here as we are preparing to go on our annual family vacation to Puerto Penasco, Mexico. I'm especially excited this year as our 10th wedding anniversary falls on the day we travel down there. We will be having a celebration and a vow renewal ceremony on the beach that night! I have been having so much fun planning and preparing for it, that I haven't updated on my nephew.
He is doing fantastically as well. He might be released in the next week or two, which would still be about 4 weeks earlier than his due date. He is up to 4# 7oz. as of Sun. He is feeding on his own regularly and was moved out of his incubator to a nursery bed last week, so he is holding his own body temperature. He is still on a canula for breathing and despite several bad apnea episodes, a transfusion and meds for anemia, and a now "minor" PDA (a valve in his heart did not seal completely-very typical in premies), he is doing incredibly well. They are talking about sending him home on oxygen. The completely amazing thing in this is that they are certain, based on his development at the time of his birth that he was actually more than 13 weeks early and not the 12 weeks that they had calculated prior to his birth. He responds to his mommy so much and always watches the nurses. They have affectionately nicknamed him "Curious George" because he is constantly watching them with his big soft brown eyes! (Can you tell I'm a proud auntie?)
I also got to be blessed enough to meet him for 5 minutes on the last day of my trip to visit and take care of my sister. It was truly a miracle and a blessing, since NO ONE except mom, dad, and grandparents are allowed in the NICU there. But the head nurse heard that I had flown out to take care of my sister and had been sitting in the waiting room all week while she visited him and told my sister I could come in for 5 minutes as a going away gift. I almost missed my plane, but it was so worth it! It was amazing. He is amazing. God is so amazing. Despite all the pictures and videos, it's too hard to understand exactly how small he was. It's like trying to imagine and comprehend how big the Grand Canyon is. God is so great and mighty. Wow!
So, now I looking forward to seeing him again on May 29th! Thanks for sharing this journey with me and for continuing to keep them in your prayers. I know my sister and her husband are getting really nervous now that their son is about to come home. They are also very anxious about RSV, since he will be high risk. Thank you in advance to all you prayer warriors.
In His Love!
Posted by Niki at 9:12 AM 2 comments
Labels: anniversary, mexico, nephew's a funny thing. It can just sort of sneak up on you or it can hit you all at once. Have you ever been in a crowded place, maybe even one full of people you know, and you feel completely alone? You can't always explain it, but it feels so bad. That feeling makes me sick, literally. I usually want to run out and cry. That empty pit feeling in the bottom of my stomach hurts and often leaves me feeling short of breath, discouraged, and yes, even hopeless. Now, I'll admit, I do need alone time on a regular basis, but as a general rule I love to be with people. And it's not enough to just be with them but to be engaged with them on a personal level. I hate to work alone and have always preferred to work along side someone. My parents used to say, "One will chase a hundred; two will chase a thousand." I firmly stand by that and it can truly motivate me, but that's not always how the world operates.
So I ask, why, as a believer in Jesus, a new creation, filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit, can we feel such loneliness? God's Word promises us He'll never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5; Deuteronomy 13:6,8). But why do we choose not to believe the truth of His Word? Why instead do we choose to believe error, the lies of Satan? After all, he is the father of lies and would want to make us believe we are incredibly alone. I know the truth is that God is alive in me and that nothing in all creation can separate me from the love of God that is in Jesus (Romans 8:38-39) and yet I still struggle with that feeling of loneliness.
That's when I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that we are to no longer conform to the patterns of this world (that would be what Satan wants me to do, to believe his lie that I am alone), but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). That means that if even in my physical circumstances I am alone or if I feel alone, to remember that I am not ever alone. God is with me always. God lives in me. I must choose to believe the truth. But then I feel that loneliness still and I want to get rid of it so desperately. It feels so real.
That's where faith truly kicks in; I must live by faith not by sight, or rather, my feelings (2Corinthians 5:6-8). Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1) It's believing Him, that He is in me, and that I can rest in Him. Am I going to choose to believe my feelings, what Satan tells me, or what God tells me? There's a reason that God, through Paul, is so adamant about guarding, renewing, protecting, and on what we set our minds (Romans 8:5-7, 2Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 4:23, Philippians 4:7, Colossians 3:2). If the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts and we are a new creation with a new heart in Jesus (Ezekiel 36:26, 2Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15) and if the job of the Holy Spirit is to lead us to all truth (John 16:13-15), then it is not our hearts that are the trouble, it's our minds. And what controls our emotions? Not our hearts, but our minds.
As an example, try a little experiment on yourself. Remember the saddest time in your life. Think about it in detail. Recall all the events surrounding it. Who was a part of it? What happened? What were the results? I mean really think on this. Let these thoughts take hold of your mind....Are you feeling sad? I know for me I can totally fall apart thinking about things like that. Or what about the future? Who of us here worries or is anxious? What might happen tomorrow? What if I don't get this done? What if my child chooses to do this? What if someone I love gets really sick or does something unimaginable? And we could allow our minds, our thoughts to go on and on. What are your feelings telling you now? Are you sad? Worried? Anxious? Depressed? Now, think about the best moment of your life. Recall what happened in detail. Remember who was there, what was happening, every detail. What happened to your feelings now? Did they change as you thought on different things? This is to demonstrate to us that what we think controls what we feel and if we choose to not give that control to Jesus through His Spirit in us by renewing our minds with His truth, we will continue to feel such things as loneliness. Feelings don't change instantly. We truly have a physiological response to them, such as crying when we're sad (or even when we're happy, like me) or an adrenaline rush when we're scared or stressed. But, they feelings do change. They have their purpose, as God intended them, but they are NOT truth.
It's funny. I started writing this almost a month ago, but stopped due to a loss for words. I wasn't ready yet. God was preparing my heart in advance. He was bringing to my mind His truth so that I could choose to believe it in the upcoming times. These past two weeks have been a testing of my faith and my feelings. My sister delivered her first baby more than 12 weeks prematurely. She was admitted twice to the hospital and the second time they were unable to stop her bleeding and contractions. There was a time during all of this that we were unsure if she or my nephew would live through this. Usually I could have let me mind and thus my feelings run away with me. But God is faithful and because I He had already been teaching and leading me to His truth, I chose to believe Him. I chose to believe that His ways are not my ways (Isaiah 55:8) and that He is in all things working for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). I chose to believe that God is sovereign and that He knits each of us together in our mothers' womb and knew the number of our days before one of them came to be (Psalm 139). And because I exercised my faith in Who He is and I chose to seek Him and praise Him, giving Him thanks in even this circumstance, He truly guarded my heart and my mind in Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Philippians 4:6-7) and I could praise Him and rejoice in Him through it all. And the best part is that I got to brag on my God to my little ones!
Lord, may I continue to grow in Your love. May I continue to grow in wisdom, in knowledge of You. Thank you for allowing me to exercise, and thus build, my faith in You. I praise You and thank You, my God, my Father for this test and these trials. I ask for perseverance during these trials to produce character which produces hope and to rejoice in You always.
In Jesus name I pray,
Posted by Niki at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: emotions, feelings, God, loneliness
Praise God through whom all blessings flow...while my nephew was born more than 12 weeks premature, he is a fighter, like his Mama, and is doing well for his circumstances. He's had to have very little intervention and I can't wait to meet him.
Posted by Niki at 1:49 PM 1 comments
I'm just getting back from a long visit to my parents', so I'm picking up this tag now-a little late, but still heartfelt. This is a tribute to my dear friend who is battling cancer and in the midst of it has made a transcontinental move with her family. I miss her terribly, but know she is being taken care of by the best. She will beat this, and my prayers are with her.
1…. She is personality, in character, in faith, in love, in determination, and until recently, in health!.2…. She is beautiful, inside and out, no matter what time of day, night, or life.
3…. She is a true friend.
4…. She loves the Lord Jesus with all her heart, all her mind, all her strength, and all her soul.
5…. She is intelligent.
6…. She is wise.
7…. She is amazingly energetic.
8…. She is generous with all that she has.
9…. She makes me smile and laugh.
10…. She is incredibly witty.
11…. She is a coffee and chocolate lover just like me!
12…. She can see the best in people and love them through the worst.
13…. She is dedicated to passing these traits to her precious family.
I look forward to having her in my life the rest of my days here on earth and in heaven.Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Posted by Niki at 1:59 PM 1 comments